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Ah, the 4th of July: fireworks, burgers and dogs on the grill, and reflection on our nation's founding. It's the discussion of the latter that tends to get me in trouble. When I make the case that our founding principles are very progressive, I'm met with everything from skepticism to howls of outrage. I can't say that those are unreasonable reactions given that our founders were all wealthy, white men and many of them owned slaves. They're not known as a progressive demographic. This very American contradiction has dogged us since our founding: our ideals as laid out in the Declaration of Independence vs. our reality. I admit that our reality frequently pushes me away, makes me despair that we will ever live up to our ideals. But we are a work in progress, work that will never be done. In order to form our more perfect union, we must focus time and again on our founding principles, our manifesto.

Ah, the 4th of July: fireworks, burgers and dogs on the grill, and reflection on our nation's founding. It's the discussion of the latter that tends to get me in trouble. When I make the case that our founding principles are very progressive, I'm met with everything from skepticism to howls of outrage. I can't say that those are unreasonable reactions given that our founders were all wealthy, white men and many of them owned slaves. They're not known as a progressive demographic. This very American contradiction has dogged us since our founding: our ideals as laid out in the Declaration of Independence vs. our reality. I admit that our reality frequently pushes me away, makes me despair that we will ever live up to our ideals. But we are a work in progress, work that will never be done. In order to form our more perfect union, we must focus time and again on our founding principles, our manifesto.

United States Flag on a blue sky background

The American Manifesto is spelled out in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Within this passage are the principles that drive my political beliefs. They form the heuristic I use to judge candidates and policies.

ALL Are Created Equal

This is the foundational truth. Every one of us is equal. If we do not govern like this is true, then none of the other founding principles matter. Regardless of our race, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual identity, education, socio-economic status, citizenship, or however else we may identify ourselves, or be identified by others, we are all still equal in that we are ALL endowed with the same set of rights.

Among Our Rights Are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Some would have us believe that the only right we have is freedom (aka, liberty), but that's only one of the listed rights. And the listed rights are just some of what we are equally endowed with. To reinforce this point, the authors of the Declaration called out safety and happiness at the end of the above quote. Twice they call out happiness. That is the pivot point around which all of our rights revolve. It is the reason why we go to the effort to build and maintain our nation. We are not here to serve the economy or any other master. We do this so that we can ALL be happy.

Governments Secure Our Rights

There is no other institution that can ensure that we are ALL able to exercise our rights equally. Religions are beholden to their gods, businesses to their owners. What other organizations are there to which we all belong, all have equal membership? Nothing but a government.

Some would say that governments should only concern themselves with national defense and law enforcement. I agree that those concerns fall under the government's purview, but to ensure ALL of our rights, the government must do more. This is spelled out in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Consent of the Governed

The form of government that can best secure our rights is one in which we all have an equal say in how it functions. ALL. OF. US. Not just those eligible to vote, not just those who can clear the obstacles put in our way to prevent our voices from being heard. If you are a subject of this government, you should have as equal a say as anyone else living in this country.

This principle reinforces the foundational idea that we are all equal. If your voice is not heard, you will likely be left out of the blessings of liberty.


Tyranny exists when we are not ALL able to exercise our rights. This is a pretty high bar, perhaps unattainable. This is why our work is never done. The continual self-improvement needed to form a more perfect union not only helps us fight tyranny but also teaches us new and better ways to secure our rights. We must ever strive for perfection.


There comes a time when we may conclude that tyranny is not a flaw in the current system, but rather the point. That is, the government is not fixable but instead is doing exactly what it is designed to do: monopolize the blessings of liberty for a select few. Changing our form of government under that condition is not a right, it's an obligation. You may decide that, yeah, the current state sucks for some, but it's working for me. If you do not act, though, you will eventually find yourself either a victim of that tyranny or an accomplice.

So What Can We Do?

If you want to argue that we're not all equal, that our only right is freedom, and that only you, not the government, can secure that right for yourself, fine, go ahead. This is America. You're free to believe whatever you want. And I am equally free to express my disagreement.

If you want to argue that is how the founders acted despite whatever they may have written, I'll likely agree with you. They weren't very good at walking the walk. Thomas Jefferson believed slavery to be a "hideous blot" on our nation's honor, and yet he did nothing to end slavery when he had the power to do so. It's hard to do the right thing when it goes against your financial self-interest.

If you want to argue that our founding principles are just too difficult to implement, again, you'll find me nodding my head in agreement. This is HARD work! Democracy asks a lot of us, maybe too much (more on this in a future post). And there are those who actively seek to thwart it or look the other way while others do so (and another future post on this).

But if you're trying to tell me that your restrictive view better represents our founding ideals, you'll find me pushing back hard. Thomas Jefferson, moral coward though he was, sincerely hoped that future generations would achieve the goals he laid out in our Declaration. We can be that generation. America can be that exceptional country if we become the first nation where EVERYONE has an equal say and an equal ability to exercise ALL of the rights that we are ALL equally endowed with. That is a cause truly worth fighting for.

Further Reading


AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate badge.

I am certified with AWS for work, so to drink deeply of the Koolaid, I've moved all of my internet properties (which sounds more majestic than it really is) over to AWS to have one location to manage them AND save money.

I'm using:

It's working for me well so far and costs about $18/month plus another $72/year to renew the domain name registrations.

Let me know if you're doing something similar.


I was elated by the results of Virginia's 2017 election for the House of Delegates. The level of support for Democratic candidates was amazing. Surely, we'd be able to march into Richmond and make things right. Alas, my hopes were dashed when I realized that despite the overwhelming number of votes against them, the Republican Party still controls the House of Delegates. I set out to figure out why. I pulled data from a variety of sources (please be sure to check my source notes for details) and ran some analysis. It appears to me that gerrymandering will likely keep the House of Delegates in Republican hands for the foreseeable future due to an efficiency gap of nearly 16%. The way that the districts are apportioned means that a very large number of Democratic votes are wasted. The next re-apportionment happens after the 2020 census, but to be able to positively impact that, the Democrats need to control the House of Delegates or the U.S. Supreme Court needs to rule that this type of gerrymandering is unconstitutional.

...continue reading "This Is What Gerrymandering Looks Like in Virginia"

Originally published February 28, 2003

Theodore Roosevelt

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
Theodore Roosevelt, 1918

Iraq Map

The Bush Adminstration has been presenting the Iraq issue as a choice between war or voluntary disarmament by Saddam. Since everyone knows — even the French — that Saddam will never voluntarily disarm, then that means war is the only alternative. Or is it? I happen to think that inspections are going well. They've turned up those missiles and some chemical artillery shells. At the very least, Saddam can't develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) while foreigners are cavorting all across Iraq. Sure, it will take time, but if the real goal is to prevent the use of WMD, then war is the last option you'll want to take.

George W. Bush
Photo by Eric Draper, White House.

And that, I believe, is the crux of the issue: George W Bush doesn't really care whether WMD will be used. He wants war because it will further his goals. What those are, I can only guess: increase his poll numbers, distract the public so his tax cuts and other domestic initiatives can sail through un-opposed, or perhaps he is just a trigger-happy cowboy. I don't know, but it scares the crap out of me.


Dangerous Liaisons
Dangerous Liaisons

Directed by
Stephen Frears
Glenn Close
John Malkovich
December 21, 1988

This movie is on a shortlist of ones that I'll watch repeatedly, like a little kid with a Disney video. Set in pre-revolution, 18th Century France, the movie is based on a contemporaneous novel. The story of social intrigue and deceit could just as easily take place at any point in time from the beginning of history to today (Mean Girls, anyone?). I find it endlessly fascinating even though I am not the type to engage in such behavior. (I probably have more in common with Le Chevalier Danceny than I care to admit.)

What truly grabs my attention, though, is the period portrayed. This movie deserves the Oscars it won for Art Direction and Costume Design (in addition to the Screenplay, another well-deserved award). The depiction of the everyday life of the French nobility is captivating. From the opening scene with the main characters getting ready for their day to the faux good act of the Vicomte de Valmont in saving the peasant from the tax collector, you truly get a sense of the gap between rich and poor of that era. We seem to be heading in that direction today, hopefully, we'll arrest it before we have our own 1789.


I have a secret that's been tearing me apart: I own every album Enya has put out. Ahhhh, now that I've admitted it, I feel so much better. I hope that others, too, can come out and live true to themselves. You shouldn't have to justify your taste in music. And yet, most of society looks down on New Age as a freak of musical nature, that it's but the first step that leads eventually to crystals and weird health care choices, and will put them to sleep. I knew, though, since I was little that something was different about me.

I Blame My Parents

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme by Simon and Garfunkel
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme by Simon and Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel performed the soundtrack to my earliest memory, which is still a vivid one. I'm in the back of our blue Buick station wagon, cruising through west Texas. Scarborough Fair is playing on the radio. I see it clearly: desolate countryside, the road bending off to the left in a wide arc.

Are you going to Scarborough fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

The key here, I believe, is memory. This song was burned in early, it fires off pleasurable neurons whenever I hear it, kept me listening so that later in life, I grew to appreciate the story the lyrics tell. I have found that this song is frequently covered by both new age and folk artists, but it is just one of many great songs on the original album, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, which includes Homeward Bound, The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) and a mix of other good folk and sixties pop tunes.

...continue reading "Yes, I like New Age Music. You got a f!#%ing problem with that?"

A Confederacy of Dunces
John Kennedy Toole
Grove Press, Inc.
First Black Cat Edition, Second Printing - 1981 - paperback - 415

I fear, in an alternate universe, I may be Ignatius J. Reilly. Perhaps it is my Irish Catholic upbringing that leads me to believe, in my dark moments, that despite my good intentions, I am worth less than a small pile of flea turds. When it gets bad, I break out this book and give it another read. The laughter it induces is enough to bring me out of my funk, but I also realize -- Damn! -- things could be worse.

...continue reading "Book Review: A Confederacy of Dunces"

For having only 6 letters, my last name has been pronounced an infinite number of ways. I can still hear Coach Silly Bean (what was his real name, Sylvester? No, wait, I was never on the Cheerios) shouting at me in 7th grade PE:

Laneer, get over here!

la-NEER, get over here!

I'll answer to any, but the following two are the most correct:

...continue reading "How do you pronounce my last name?"

These are the core principles that guide my beliefs.

We are all in this together

We cannot exclude anyone from the benefits our nation confers. All of us, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual preference or citizenship. True, being a citizen confers certain rights and responsibilities, but not being one doesn't put you beyond the pale.

Let's be careful about using the label "them".

We are the government

There is no other institution that allows all of us to act together. Businesses are beholden to their owners, religions to their god(s).

If we abdicate our responsibilities as citizens, since politics abhors a power vacuum, someone will step in and they will not likely care about everyone.

Consider, too, that since we are the government, the government acts in our name.

Good guys don't shoot first

It's tempting, I know. Holding back means good people will get hurt or killed. I agree, it's sucks in the short term. However, long term, it shows the world who the bad guys are and it makes sure that our wrath, when it is stirred, is properly directed.

This applies domestically as much as on the international scene.

Don't be a dick

We should work to make sure that all of those who need help, get it, even at the cost of some undeserving reaping benefit. I do not want to hurt those who need help in an effort to stick it to the bad actors.

Don't be stupid

Don't let our principles lead us off a cliff. We should constantly evaluate our actions and their impact. If something doesn't seem right, revisit the core principles. Maybe it's an unavoidable situation. Or maybe we need to readjust how we act.



Has this happened to you? Your first meal at a restaurant is enjoyable, maybe even in 5-star territory. You rave about the place to friends and family. You can't wait to go back. And when you do, it, well, kind of sucks. This happens to me more often than not. WTF?

Best Breakfast Ever
Best Breakfast Ever from Sunny Point Cafe in Ashville, NC

First of all, I dread eating somewhere new to me. It's a risk. You have to accept the possibility of failure, something I'm not always willing to do. Sure, I'll do it when I'm on vacation, but it's not like I have much of a choice. In more familiar haunts, though, the good dishes I know call out to me. It's when I get bored that I take the risk.

The First Visit
The First Visit

So, I walk in to a new place. I'm in borderline panic mode. What do I do? Do I seat myself? Who do I talk to? There's too much noise, I can't concentrate? Oh, yes, table for two. I sit down, grab the menu. What the hell does this mean? Why can't they call things by normal names? A burger for $12?!? Ga! What? Yes, I'll have the special. No, just a glass of water, wait, what's on tap?

Then the food comes, it looks wonderful and smells even better. And, damn, it's tasty. Before I know it, my plate is empty. If I'm not eating with my wife, I may even lick the plate.

Maybe that's it. I start with such low expectations that the meal can't help but seem good. When I return, though, I'm more familiar, better able to judge. I notice the lapses in service. This time I'm expecting good food and disappointed when it's not the best I've had.

I still take the risk, though. How else will I find the gems?

Cerritos Pupuseria, A Great Find
Cerritos Pupuseria, A Great Find